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Member Username: hg30904
Post Number: 59 Registered: 6-2003
| Posted on Wednesday, November 11, 2009 - 5:57 am: |  |
Frank asked me to post some pics here, and away we go:
The grin that won't go away
(Message edited by hg30904 on November 11, 2009) |
Senior Member Username: pace
Post Number: 451 Registered: 4-2004
| Posted on Wednesday, November 11, 2009 - 7:46 am: |  |
WOW Frank!!!!! amazing!!!! |
Senior Member Username: fc_spoiler
Post Number: 998 Registered: 5-2006
| Posted on Wednesday, November 11, 2009 - 8:09 am: |  |
Wow indeed! Spectacular top Congrats! |
Senior Member Username: funkyjazzjunky
Post Number: 502 Registered: 5-2007
| Posted on Wednesday, November 11, 2009 - 10:07 am: |  |
Amazing |
Advanced Member Username: bassfingers
Post Number: 229 Registered: 11-2005
| Posted on Wednesday, November 11, 2009 - 3:35 pm: |  |
Oh my,that is a beautiful bass!. |
Advanced Member Username: pauldo
Post Number: 336 Registered: 6-2006
| Posted on Wednesday, November 11, 2009 - 4:37 pm: |  |
WOW - I understand the grin! That's a keeper. |
Member Username: hg30904
Post Number: 63 Registered: 6-2003
| Posted on Wednesday, November 11, 2009 - 4:40 pm: |  |
Paul, are you just looking at the rear? That last shot must be especially for you! |
Member Username: otis
Post Number: 94 Registered: 10-2008
| Posted on Wednesday, November 11, 2009 - 8:24 pm: |  |
Hey, Guys! Two things, first: Harold, thanks for resizing the pics and posting them, for me. And on his day off, yet! What a great friend! Pace, thanks and hope to see/hear you soon! Guys, for some reason, I can't stop smiling- it really started when I saw Shawn sitting there, on the flight case, in the rest stop we met at, and it hasn't stopped, since. I think Shawn was a little surprised when he saw me grinning, like that- maybe a little unnerved, even, but through the whole ordeal, he's been patient, kind, and generous. He's a great guy! I wrote a song (which I recorded, tonight, but it's been years since I've played it!) that sums up my feelings on this dream realized perfectly- Euphoria. Thanks for the kind words! I just finished a marathon recording session (10 tunes, plus 2 long montages), but I'm checking in, now, finally. Yes, those are the tell-tale smudges of my fingers on the front of the bass. For some strange reason, I can't stop playing it! This has been a quest, 15 years in the making, and it's finally come to pass. Ever since I purchased my Series I 4 string (1977) 15 years ago, I've been searching for one of these beasts! I never thought a Series Six, much less a Series II Six would be a dream realized, then I started talking to Shawn (kungfusheriff) and we realized after some talking (and soul searching on both sides) that he needed $ to fund a new truck, and I needed a S2 Six, so I sold my other 2 Alembic 6's after about a frantic week of scrambling. I drove a little over 6 hours, this past Friday night with my Dad (my wife and my mom insisted that I take him because I'd be driving late at night, and through the night) and met up with Shawn C. in a little place called Hannacroix, NY, at the New Brighton (I think!) Rest Stop. I'm sure it was a more than surreal picture- Shawn bringing a coffin sized flight case and gig bag in, and my father and I meeting up, at around 1 am in the morning. Then Shawn opened the case, and I knew my long search was at last over. I've been playing it, non-stop, ever since (except on the drive back- I wasn't able to do much playing until we both arrived back home, safe and sound). I was able to practice with it, this past Saturday, and one of the first things out of my drummer's mouth was, "Wow. I can hear everything you're doing, especially your mistakes! I didn't realize you were so sloppy!" Neither did I, guys. Neither did I. The clarity is nothing short of amazing, even through my giant 2x15 Kustom stacks, Electroharmonix POG, Q-Tron, and Baseballs. It's amazing how clear it is, and how well it cuts through everything, even the effects! This bass makes all the other basses I've ever had look like mere toys in comparison. I guess I'd better practice up, boys, or I'm going to look real stupid when I play my next gig! I'll try to post the stuff I recorded, as soon as I get it mixed and mastered- hopefully tomorrow... I can't make any promises, I never know if I'm going to be able to resist the temptation of picking up this bass and just playing it, instead of attending to everything else! For those of you familiar with The Lord of the Rings, here's a quote for you- "It's mine. My own. My Precious." Boy, who would've ever thought I'd compare myself to Gollum from LOTR, but here I am, grinning like an idiot and not caring! Peace All;) Frank (Message edited by otis on November 11, 2009) |
Senior Member Username: kungfusheriff
Post Number: 893 Registered: 8-2003
| Posted on Wednesday, November 11, 2009 - 8:38 pm: |  |
Frank, That's a hell of a bass you've got there. I've played lots of instruments, and none could touch that one. It's just sublime. Hope you continue to play her in good health for many years. |
Member Username: otis
Post Number: 96 Registered: 10-2008
| Posted on Thursday, November 12, 2009 - 1:17 pm: |  |
Shawn, This bass is just AWESOME, as I knew it would be in speaking to you about it. I've owned a good many Alembics, including a Series I, but this bass puts them all to shame. It has the best tone I've ever encountered, period. Thanks for your kind words- I hope to play it in good health for many, many years. Did you get the New Truck, yesterday? How is it? I hope it's the best vehicle you've ever owned! Peace;) Frank |
Advanced Member Username: pauldo
Post Number: 339 Registered: 6-2006
| Posted on Thursday, November 12, 2009 - 4:05 pm: |  |
Frank - When mistakes sound as good as yours probably do - you can call it "Jazz"! Harold - yep..... darn busted again! :-D But fer cripes sake look at the backside on that! It is huge and muscular! Beautiful |
Senior Member Username: edwin
Post Number: 468 Registered: 5-2002
| Posted on Thursday, November 12, 2009 - 5:48 pm: |  |
What's the scale on this beauty? |
Member Username: otis
Post Number: 97 Registered: 10-2008
| Posted on Thursday, November 12, 2009 - 6:42 pm: |  |
Pauldo, thanks for the kind words, LOL! I think that it was mostly exhaustion from the 12+ hour drive that caused my sloppy playing- that and not being used to the bass that I'd just acquired that very day. But truthfully, with the clarity of this bass, there's no hiding sloppy playing or mistakes! What I play is a very weird kind of jazz, I suppose, LOL! Check out my myspace- it's a basement recording with the bass submerged beneath a couple of layers of guitar, but you'll get the basic idea. Edwin, It's a Long Scale- 34". It feels great. I recently let go of my custom Epic 6, which was an Extra Long Scale, 35" and that felt comfortable- it was easy to play, in spite of the scale and I was sad to see it go, but it had to happen in order for me to acquire the Series II. Peace;) Frank |
Senior Member Username: kungfusheriff
Post Number: 894 Registered: 8-2003
| Posted on Thursday, November 12, 2009 - 7:21 pm: |  |
Frank, Yes, I got the truck, which is a thing of beauty. Just what I wanted. Glad this worked out well for everyone involved. |
Advanced Member Username: bkbass
Post Number: 212 Registered: 11-2003
| Posted on Friday, November 13, 2009 - 12:24 pm: |  |
Congradulations Frank. Best of health and many years of exploring the tone on that thing. Sadly you will reach a point where your amps won't keep up with the variety in and of the bass. Series basses require a series-us(pun intended) bass rig in order to expand your pallette of tone. Squeeze your current rig like a sponge. Hope to see your at this years gathering and ofcourse could you please bring her with you. Best of luck,God Bless. |
Senior Member Username: pace
Post Number: 455 Registered: 4-2004
| Posted on Friday, November 13, 2009 - 1:20 pm: |  |
..... and don't be surprised if my name-tag ends up on your road case at the end of the next gathering!!! ps... did you sell the walnut 6'er yet? |
Member Username: hg30904
Post Number: 68 Registered: 6-2003
| Posted on Friday, November 13, 2009 - 2:06 pm: |  |
Sheesh Mike, you played drums, pedal steel, and bass last time we got together. Are you looking to add even more to your arsenal? (Now I have to save my next post for something REALLY special!) (Message edited by hg30904 on November 13, 2009) |
Advanced Member Username: toma_hawk01
Post Number: 306 Registered: 9-2009
| Posted on Friday, November 13, 2009 - 3:15 pm: |  |
GOT-DAMMMM!!! OH MY GOODNESS!!!! Frank, that's a KANG(King)-KONG ALEMBIC! Dam Dude, why where you holding out. Man, your bass is a must see Series II what? I call your bass a SERI-OUS II bass! I want your bass Frank... On the serious note... Frank, that was a fun reading how you reeled that "Marlon" of a bass in... The shape is my shape, for a 6 string bass. It looks like tight balanced strong "pit-bull" hammer-time, no non-sense, get out the way, gloves off, low-profile, lock in the pocket, rhythm driven, BOOM BOOM sounding, BADD ASS! (Message edited by toma_hawk01 on November 13, 2009) |
Member Username: otis
Post Number: 98 Registered: 10-2008
| Posted on Friday, November 13, 2009 - 5:09 pm: |  |
Hal, LMAO! King Kong is a good way to describe it! It has monster tone, and everything about it is big (and sexy). I've been "holding out" for this bass, for about 15 years, ever since I first bought my Series I 1977 4 String. I realized after a short while that I wanted a 6 string, as I was a 6 string player, at heart, and so I've been playing 6 string Alembics since about 2005 (I've played 6 string, before, but various brands- Yamaha TRB- the earlier neck through model, which was pretty nice, a Peavey TL 6, a DR Heartfield (Fender) 6). Since 2005, I've gone through a 1994 Zebrawood Epic 6, a 1990 (I think) Europa 6 (green, with chrome hardware), a custom Europa 6 with a Large Standard Body and Crown Headstock, and finally, the one that almost caused me to cry when I shipped it overseas- my favorite Alembic 6, and favorite Alembic, to this point besides my my Series I 1977 4 string- my custom Epic 6 with Ebony Laminates and several other great custom features- East Meets West electronics, all chrome hardware, recessed straplocks, a stain finished neck, a beautiful flame maple top with an extra purpleheart accent, and one of the best sounds, ever. I called her Thunderstick, a title my drummer gave her when I first plugged her in at practice and has stuck, ever since. Anyways, I sold the Brown 6 (as pictured in the NJ Live Thread/Gathering) and the Epic 6 in order to fund the purchase of the Series II 6. I never thought I'd be able to find one, much less acquire one, but somehow things lined up, and I found the right seller in Shawn C. aka Kungfusheriff to our mutual benefit. This has been a long, long process, but from start to finish, I believe only about a little over a month in communicating and befriending Shawn, who, by the way, is a great guy, and I'm not just saying that because he sold me the Series II, I'm saying it because he is a genuinely great guy, who has a very cool personality, is honest, thoughtful, generous, and kind. Since joining the Club, I've kind of sat back on the sidelines, watching, waiting, reading, and not posting much. I've seen a good deal of camaraderie, love, and general goodwill here, something that isn't terribly prevalent in the world, now-a-days and has impressed me. I feel like I've found and made a lot of friends in fellow bass players who share my love of an instrument that is almost beyond words to describe and that's a great feeling. That's something that you can't put a price on, like the Alembic Basses (and guitars!) themselves. For most of us, to find our "Dream" Alembic, almost no price is too high, and yes, some of us overpay, but I don't feel like I did because again, Shawn was very fair in our dealings, and we worked together to bring about a deal that worked out beautifully for both of us. Friendship is worth far more than an instrument, but friendship with you gentlemen (and ladies- though I haven't met any of our female counterparts, as of yet- talk about your ideal wife, eh, guys- a bass or guitar playing Alembician!) is beyond that because you understand not only bass playing, but Alembics and the many varied reasons we love them. I'm still feeling her out to see what I'm going to name her, but the hard part is now over. My 15 year quest is behind me, and the new adventure begins- the quest to make the best music I can possibly make with my dream bass. This is so exciting to me- I feel like I've finally found my perfect voice! I feel inspired to play, even more than before, and I've loved to play, since I was 19, and I'm now 38. Hal, again, LMAO. Between you and Harold, I don't know- you guys are too funny;) Peace All;) Frank ps- I recorded a bunch of stuff, Wednesday night, and I'm going to sift through it and try to post it somewhere in cyberspace with a link on this thread. I have to see how well it turned out because it does have the hum/noise and probably needs the electronics upgrade, but we'll see what the tunes turned out like... |
Advanced Member Username: toma_hawk01
Post Number: 308 Registered: 9-2009
| Posted on Saturday, November 14, 2009 - 10:36 am: |  |
I am not done yet...Frank. Frank, you have the BADDEST 6 string Alembic Bass I ever seen PERIOD, END OF STORY! Now, this is why I joined the club people. It's about reading beautiful story's like Frank's, and doing what it sometimes may take, to get what you want; and just because you have the money, don't always mean you can still get what you want. It's not like going to WalMart and buying a Fender. Just having the money alone, is just a one-sided story... The other side of the story is making the right moves, meeting the right people, and having the cosmic universe, and planets properly a-lined, then after you did all that... you're "WAITING ON THE DREAM..." (Meaning) even with the money... you "STILL" have to wait for that special one bass to come. Let me share this... I love motorcycles, my neighbor one day was shining up his brand new Harley Davidson "Dream Machine" cruiser "Road King". He seen me approaching and walking in his direction (me having my morning weekend walk...) and I notice this beautiful bike. (and he's got this... yep, and it's mine look...) I am thinking, he finally did it. I was so happy for this cat. So, we started talking about the bike and what it took for him to finally have it... then he pops the question: "You want to take it for a spin?" To make a long story short... Only in America where you could be walking one minute, and then the next minute, you'll find yourself sporting a dream Harley Davidson. When I returned from the ride, I told my neighbor this very statement, and we laugh very hard because its true! When he see's me as he zooms past me, while I am driving our family "chuck-wagon" (Mini-Van), he smiles, because he knows I know the importance of dreams. |
Member Username: otis
Post Number: 99 Registered: 10-2008
| Posted on Saturday, November 14, 2009 - 12:55 pm: |  |
Hal, Again, LMAO. I do love the looks, feel, and of course, sound of the bass- it's the best Alembic I've ever owned, and that's saying something! Thanks for the kind words and telling part of your own story. I've of course been following the Toma-Hawk CTF Build Thread, and jumping in, here and there. Now, if I were to come into some money, I would have another Series II Six built for me, with a slightly different body design- kind of a cross between the Omega Balance K, and a Carl Thompson Scroll- I just love the look of the CT Basses, and from what I've seen about the man, he's one cool cat who not only builds killer basses, but plays what he makes, every week, at a Sunday afternoon Jam Session in Brooklyn, NYC, if I'm not mistaken. I think I'd go for a maple and ebony neck, Coco Bolo top and back, with ebony, purpleheart, and maple accents on a vermillion body. Of course, it would have the classic Crown Headstock, which is a must, for me. The other headstocks are ok, but to me, the Crown is where it's at! Today at practice, I ran the Series II with my SF-2, and I couldn't really tell much difference between last week, when I ran it without. I think the pure tone coming out of the bass is better than what even the mighty SF-2 can emulate, and it really didn't seem to add anything, that I could tell. I did do the Hum cancelling procedure as outlined in that thread, and it did reduce the noise, some. For now, I think it's something I can live with because when I'm playing, I can't really hear it. As long as I can somehow minimize it when I record, I will opt for waiting on the electronics upgrade until I can afford another Alembic 6 (non-Series, as strictly a back-up so I can get through a gig if I happen to break a string, and as something to play while I'm waiting to get back my S2). Today we worked on another new song that I've been conceiving, these past several days that came to me in a flash. In listening to a riff I came up with just before I got the Series II, I found that when I played it at practice, it totally worked. It really came together like a lot of our better songs do. It was like magic. This one is called "Epic Bitch & Mr. Beef," and it has a really cool disco funk feel that totally works with the lyrics that I have, so far. It's funny because when I recorded the song, the other day, I titled it, "Epic Bitch & Mr. Beef" without realizing that that riff would actually work great for the song. You're exactly right, about America, Hal. This is a place where magic sometimes happens, and when it does, boy, look out! See right now, you have your family "chuck-wagon" just like I do- I drive a Grand Caravan, which I'm sure looks ultra cool and totally "ROCK" to all our friends' bands that we play with who drive big trucks, old motor homes that double as tour buses, and other generally cooler vehicles rather than the "family truckster" as Chevy Chase aka Clark Griswold dubbed his hideous green station wagon. I guess the point is, no matter what a person looks like, or drives, you never really know what they're like or about until you get to know them. You, for example, are driving around a mini-van, like me, and to the outside world, we're just regular family guys (absolutely nothing wrong with that!) who turn into Bass Monsters at night who shake the very earth's foundations with our low, rumbling tones! It's kind of like Clark Kent & Superman, isn't it? By day, we're regular, straight-laced guys with our run of the mill work uniforms (whether they be a 3 piece suit, or Dickies, pocket tees, and trusty steel toed boots handy for climing telephone poles...). By night, however, we are different creatures, released from our Chrysalis's to ROCK the night away with our low tones of doom! This is why I think the Gatherings are so awesome- not only do you get to meet, face to face, and put names to faces, and make friends, where else can you play someone's "baby" without them peering nervously over your shoulder like your some kind of amateur? I mean, really- a roomful of Alembic players, and Alembics? Come on! It doesn't get much better than that- except maybe if there were some hot Alembic playing ladies, as well! I have yet to meet one, but I'm hoping... Well, time to take the family out grocery shopping. Peace All;) Frank |
Member Username: otis
Post Number: 100 Registered: 10-2008
| Posted on Saturday, November 14, 2009 - 1:18 pm: |  |
Barry, thanks for the kind words, and of course I will bring her with me- she's my only bass, now. I'm sure your correct about my amp keeping up with my bass- but the amp I have, right now is a pretty good one. I'd love to try out those new Bag Ends- I'm looking to downsize my rig- I'm getting to the point where carrying all that heavy stuff is getting waaaay old! Pace- LMAO- I figured the name tag on the bass case was a good way for you to remember who I was! I wish I could've left one with everyone there... Hopefully, my drummer will be at the next Gathering with me, so you'll actually be able to play your basses, steel guitar, and whatever other assorted instruments you happen to bring along. Be forewarned, though- my drummer is a Monster- in the good sense- but you'd all better be prepared to bring it- he tends to eat sub-par bass players for breakfast, LOL. No seriously everyone at the last Gathering was a very good bass player, and my drummer would be happy to play with any one of you. Now I'm really going to the store, no fooling. My wife just gave me "The Look," and she was good enough to let me out of the house to practice for a couple hours, so I've got to help get some shopping done. Peace All;) Frank |
Intermediate Member Username: otis
Post Number: 101 Registered: 10-2008
| Posted on Saturday, November 14, 2009 - 1:19 pm: |  |
Barry, thanks for the kind words, and of course I will bring her with me- she's my only bass, now. I'm sure your correct about my amp keeping up with my bass- but the amp I have, right now is a pretty good one. I'd love to try out those new Bag Ends- I'm looking to downsize my rig- I'm getting to the point where carrying all that heavy stuff is getting waaaay old! Pace- LMAO- I figured the name tag on the bass case was a good way for you to remember who I was! I wish I could've left one with everyone there... Hopefully, my drummer will be at the next Gathering with me, so you'll actually be able to play your basses, steel guitar, and whatever other assorted instruments you happen to bring along. Be forewarned, though- my drummer is a Monster- in the good sense- but you'd all better be prepared to bring it- he tends to eat sub-par bass players for breakfast, LOL. No seriously everyone at the last Gathering was a very good bass player, and my drummer would be happy to play with any one of you. Now I'm really going to the store, no fooling. My wife just gave me "The Look," and she was good enough to let me out of the house to practice for a couple hours, so I've got to help get some shopping done. One hint was when she asked if I was writing a book. Guess I'd better cut this short, for now! Peace All;) Frank |
Intermediate Member Username: otis
Post Number: 102 Registered: 10-2008
| Posted on Saturday, November 14, 2009 - 1:27 pm: |  |
Pace, By the way- yes, the Brown 6 was the first of my 2 to sell- to a kid in China who bought my Zebra wood Epic 6. I'm really glad he got the Brown Bass because he really, really wanted it- he emailed me immediately upon seeing the eBay listing and I told him to do the BIN, which he did, minutes later. The Thunderstick sold to a guy from down under- literally- Austrailia. Timing wise, things worked out just about near perfect. Although the basses didn't sell to Club Members, I'm certain they went to good homes, where they will be well cared for and played a great deal. Who knows, maybe those 2 who bought my old basses will show up, here, sooner or later! I would certainly welcome them because they both played a part in helping me realize one of my dreams! Peace;) Frank |
Advanced Member Username: toma_hawk01
Post Number: 310 Registered: 9-2009
| Posted on Saturday, November 14, 2009 - 3:34 pm: |  |
Frank, I own a "Early (ugly) Gray" 96' Isuzu "Chuck-Wagon" mini-van with a "Pink" slip and to be honest, the pink slip is worth more than the Van... LOL :D It's hard waiting for a dream bass. Now I understand this. Tom Petty said it best... "The waiting is the hardest part...". Back in July, I was thinking by this time, I would be ready to schedule an Alembic gathering with you guys. However, November is now, and it's almost over. I thought I would be having my Turkey sandwich in one hand, and my Alembic sandwich in the other with a big smile. Reality will bite like Pitbulls (from all angles), so at this point, thinking lofty thought of having my Alembic by Thanksgiving is clearly, and completely out of question. Now, I am hoping I'll have the Toma_Hawk before Christmas and and seriously, before the 2009 tax year. I want and need my books cleared for the new year. Besides, my wife will be looking at me laughing her ass-off wondering where's my bass during December... Besides, I want to be the one laughing... I can't give her this satisfaction of this joyful and hidden laugher, when I am trying to have the Jester Series II Bass follow for 2010... (Message edited by toma_hawk01 on November 14, 2009) |
Intermediate Member Username: otis
Post Number: 103 Registered: 10-2008
| Posted on Saturday, November 14, 2009 - 5:45 pm: |  |
Hal, I have a silver 2001 Dodge Grand Caravan that seats exactly 7, but we squeeze 8, more than half the time. Actually, waiting isn't the hardest part, it's "finding." Do you have any idea how hard it is to find a Series II Six String? As good old Shawn C. put it, "They're rarer than hen's teeth." Boy was he right! Up to about 2 months ago, all I'd found were cold trails, rumors, and a very few pictures. The closest I came before finding the one I have now is the Brown 6 (a custom Europa with custom body shape and headstock, I think), which is to say one that "looked" like a Series bass, but wasn't. I looked everywhere, then I finally started emailing some of the guys who I knew had them. Actually, I emailed just 2- Chip, of the Coco Bolo Omega Series II 6, and Shawn C, who was listed in his profile as owning a S2 6. I had no idea what Shawn's looked like, and he was kind enough to send me a picture when this all started. I received no response from Chip and later found his listed email was dead, so that was a dead end. When I saw the picture of Shawn's bass, I said to myself, "That's the one," and found myself hoping, but not too much. I figured there was maybe a shade, a sliver of a chance because he'd listed his other 2 Series II 4's, and I figured if he didn't have any luck with them, then maybe he'd consider selling the 6, even though when he first posted he clearly stated, "The Big 6 isn't going anywhere." From there, we started speaking hypothetically, and he said that since he'd given someone "dibs" on his graphite necked S2 4, he'd give me dibs on the 6 if and when he posted that bass. Then, all the sudden, after about two weeks, I saw his posting, "Any Interest In My Series II 6?" And my heart kind of stopped. I was freaking out because I didn't have the hypothetical amount we'd discussed, nor the amount he mentioned in that thread, nor anything resembling that amount in my woefully slender bank account. I emailed Shawn immediately and asked him if I still had dibs, and he said, of course, and it progressed, from there. I immediately listed my 2 Alembic Sixes on eBay, in a frantic effort to raise the funds over the weekend being that Shawn was in the middle of trying buy a new truck and I didn't want to lose what appeared to be my only chance in 15 years to get the bass of my dreams, nor hold him up from getting his new truck. I listed both basses, that Friday, and the Brown 6 sold on Sunday. The Epic 6, which I affectionately called "Thunderstick" because of the killer low end from the ebony lams and East Meets West Electronics, took a little longer to sell, but I managed to sell it in the nick of time, about 3 days later. Timing is everything. Somehow, it all worked out, and although Shawn and I had talked about meeting up that Saturday, I'd had no bass, since Wednesday, and I brainstormed the idea at work to go for the bass, Friday, instead. Brilliant idea. My father and I drove 6 hours, one way to meet up with Shawn at the above mentioned Rest Stop. We left at a little before 6, and after stopping for gas, once, we got there close to 1 am. The drive back was a bitch. I was jazzed the whole way up, especially because every mile was a mile closer to the bass and my dream realized, but after playing it for a mere couple minutes and giving it the once over, and chatting with Shawn for maybe a couple minutes, we then hit the road, and began the long haul back. Around 4:30 am, I got to that special place where the lines between sleeping and waking began to blur, and I had to stop at another Rest Stop. My father then drove, and we hit home around 7:30 am. Exhausted, I lugged the bass, all 60 pounds of it (with the power supply, strap, 5 pin cable, extra strings) in it's indestructible flight case into the house. I napped for maybe 2 hours, then went to practice around 4pm. So yes, waiting is hard. But seeking and not finding for years on end is even harder, I think. But I never gave up hope, and here we are, a mere 8 days later, me and my new Series II Six. Why is it that wives so love to laugh at us? You're going to have the Jester Series II started in 2010? That's awesome! I think that's so cool. 2 Alembic Series Basses, of your own design is a very cool thing. It's one thing to pick your woods, and what model, and body shape, but another thing, entirely to design your own shape- that adds a dimension that even Alembic might not have expected. I hope the Toma_Hawk comes just in time for a very Merry Christmas, I think that would be perfectly fitting. How would it be to get that bass, in your stocking? We'll have a Gathering when the time is exactly right- when you have the Toma_Hawk, and we can all play one of your realized dreams. Peace All;) Frank |
Advanced Member Username: toma_hawk01
Post Number: 313 Registered: 9-2009
| Posted on Saturday, November 14, 2009 - 7:13 pm: |  |
Frank, You say 15 years, I say 20 something. Man, I am 46 next year. I was 42 when I started the drawings of the Toma_Hawk. Now, I am "dam their" 50 years old. I was cursed for 20 something years for selling my first Series I. Man, I wasted over 20 years of foolishness playing Rock guitars, when I knew dam well, my base support was/is the Funk. Don't get me wrong, I loved doing everything Hendrix did (drug-free), and running and tapping like Joe Satriani, but the beat is where it's at for me. I am home with the Funk. Just the other day, I was watching George Clinton with his Senior Citizens musician friends JAMMIN there asses off!!! OH, MY LORD! My wife and I was laughing when they started "Knee Deep" at the beginning part of "Oh oh oh ohhh ohhh..." It sounded much more honest because old age is painful enough to make you really say "oh ohh" Man, those guys are my Father's age. I am talking 70's bro. If those guys can Funk like that... and holding it down, I am getting my Toma_Hawk in the nick-of-time. I still have plenty of juice. I was raised on the Funk. When I was in High School, Bootsy was on in the background while I was bustin a cap, on my exams and preparing for College. I acquired my first Alembic Series in 1981, and sold in 88. It would be 20 years before I would have the Shorty I have now. I live in California, Alembic is in California, but fate would have me in Atlanta Georgia before I would be blessed with the bass sounds, my children now takes for granted. So, here I am now with a dream bass, but frankly it was time for my dream "while I still got something worth dreaming for..." Like the days I prepared for the birth of my daughters with their nursery and all the baby stuff, I created a studio in one of the rooms which is closest to my garage. I plan to install a window on the wall which connects to the garage, thus live work will be in the garage, while my recording equipment and boards will be gauged and monitored. Anyway, my home studio will be made in honor of this bass called: The Toma_Hawk. I am using a Korg D32XD Recording Studio for now, and down the line, I may upgrade later. But, whats most important for me right now, is scoring a Mesa/Boogie bass amp and a new digital professional drum machine. Bass and Drum tracks is all I need. I'll run through my electric guitar cords and solo but "only when necessary" for the funk is more about the bass and that fat ass booty bottom. Like you, but on the lighter side, I also have a 6 string beast too However, Funk is my journey for the second half... Speaking of second, I'll leave you with this jam: "Sloppy seconds"... (Message edited by toma_hawk01 on November 14, 2009) |
Intermediate Member Username: afrobeat_fool
Post Number: 133 Registered: 7-2009
| Posted on Saturday, November 14, 2009 - 7:50 pm: |  |
Congrat's Frank! Way to Live your dream. "Did someone say 7-up?" |
Intermediate Member Username: otis
Post Number: 105 Registered: 10-2008
| Posted on Saturday, November 14, 2009 - 8:09 pm: |  |
Hal, It's probably closer to 20 years for me, too. You see, I started playing bass at 19, and if I'd known what Alembic basses were, I sure would've wanted one. So the dream formed, there, in my youth. My parents tell me I used to jump around and sing and play a toy guitar and pretend I was Barry Manilow when I was around 3, so I guess it really all started there. It's funny how things work out. I started on a 6 string toy guitar, now I have a 6 string bass that makes all the other basses I've ever had look like toys! Hal, it's all about the Funk, you know that! I just love George Clinton and P-Funk, Sly, James Brown, Michael Jackson, Larry Graham and Graham Central Station, The Brothers Johnson, Victor Wooten, Marcus Miller, Jaco, Billy Sheehan, Jeff Berlin, John Patitucci, and too many others to list! Have you checked out my friend Freekbass' stuff? He's Bootsy's protege, and he's all about bringing the Funk, with a Capital "F!" He's @ Hey, Nick, thanks for the kind words! And if any of you guys out there enjoy Stick players, check out my other friend, Gary Jibilian, at Jibilian plays an NS Stick (8 strings- 4 Bass, 4 Guitar, all insanity) and plays with a killer drummer named Jay Setar. GJ uses live looping, and some of the stuff he comes up with, well, it's just sick. You'll understand when you listen to it! Peace All;) Frank (Message edited by otis on November 14, 2009) |
Advanced Member Username: toma_hawk01
Post Number: 314 Registered: 9-2009
| Posted on Saturday, November 14, 2009 - 8:29 pm: |  |
Freekbass is BAAD! Oh, I can't wait to JAM WITH Y'ALL!!! I am saying good bye to Jazz Fusion. It was fun, and I learned a whole lot about music from that perspective, but I think it's time to put things "back into" perspective... (Message edited by toma_hawk01 on November 14, 2009) |
Intermediate Member Username: otis
Post Number: 107 Registered: 10-2008
| Posted on Saturday, November 14, 2009 - 8:40 pm: |  |
Hal, Did I tell you? Freekbass is most definitely BAAD! I mean, if Bootsy's passing on the torch to him, he'd better be BAAD, hadn't he? I can't wait to get our new material recorded with the Series II, then you'll all hear what OTiS really sounds like! I can't wait to Jam with you and the rest of the guys (and hopefully gals... where are those elusive Alembic gals at, anyway?) too, Hal. If there's one thing I really, really love, it's the FUNK. OTiS is the New Funk. Just bass, drums, and vocals, and a boatload of attitude. Peace;) Frank |
Advanced Member Username: toma_hawk01
Post Number: 316 Registered: 9-2009
| Posted on Saturday, November 14, 2009 - 9:23 pm: |  |
I think Funk should take RAP over! That's the boldest statement I ever said to music in my life and there's complexities to my statement. It's not as clear as it sounds, for there are elements of Rap which are Funky. I have a theory about music. I believe there's (2) types of music 1. Community Music 2. Personality Music 1. Community Everything to what made me want to become a musician came from community music. Community music is what brings people together whether it's Jazz, Funk, Salsa, Rock n Roll, Disco, Country Soul, Funk etc... 2. Personality Music That's when music is "Pimped" to elevate a career of a talent-less artist, from one form or art, to another. The Artist requires more tools related to the eyes and less of our ears. These people are nothing without corporate marketing and professional idol creators. The shelf life of these people who push Personality Music, is 3 good years. Hopefully, by the time their fame is up, they get a staring roll in some low level acting roll. Like I said, it was never about the music, it was about using music as a vehicle to get where they truly wish to be. The music is all smoke and mirrors. The only real attraction Personality has on people is the Jerry Springer effect. It draws you to it like watching a train wreck, or when you see one artist pit themselves against another. Then there's always this "I was into selling in this scam, before going in to this music scam... now, I am legit." Where's the love? Where's the struggle in mastering the art of playing a musical instrument? What music club do these people join? I mention RAP as one of the fields that took Funk from the music waves. I think Funk is going to bring happy music back for Children, Parents, Grand Parents, to get up and dance again with a sense of community and purpose. I'll leave you with this legacy that help all of us rise as one! Peace and much love Frank!!! "Stand, there a Midget standing tall, and the Giant beside him about to fall!" - Sly Stone (Message edited by toma_hawk01 on November 14, 2009) |
Intermediate Member Username: otis
Post Number: 108 Registered: 10-2008
| Posted on Sunday, November 15, 2009 - 9:37 am: |  |
Hal, You're not the first musician that's said this kind of thing. You're absolutely correct. Today's "Top 40" is all about marketing what sells- good looking kids, boys, girls, men, women. The record companies are selling an image, nothing more. Out of 100 Top 40 "artists" only a handful can actually play their instruments, and only a handful of those are "true" musicians. It is all about the image, now-a-days, not the music, nor the artistry involved in making music of substance. There's some good Rap out there, but a lot of it is bubblegum and popcorn garbage, along with the rest of the popular music on the radio, these days. Don't get me wrong, Hal, there's some truly talented musicians, out there, but they are vastly outnumbered by the poseurs who are just doing what they're doing because they want status, wealth, and adoration. There's great music to be found, out there- just look at bands like King's X, Dream Theater, Bela Fleck, Living Color, Primus, and too many others to mention that are on the fringes of popular music, but not quite "Rockstars." I hope that we can all change music in some small way, just by doing what we do, and being happy doing it. I live to play, and play to live, you know? Sly Stone couldn't've been more right! Peace and Much Love Back, Hal;) Frank |
Intermediate Member Username: otis
Post Number: 109 Registered: 10-2008
| Posted on Monday, November 16, 2009 - 5:07 pm: |  |
For those who are interested, Flip sent me these details from a previous Serial # Request and this is Mica's response: Posted on Tuesday, July 08, 2008 - 12:14 pm: Edit Post Found out these details: top and back: Flame Walnut accent: triple pinstripes of Maple and Purpleheart body: Mahogany with Maple central pinstripe through body neck: 11-piece Maple and Purpleheart, 34" long scale fingerboard: Ebony with mother of pearl ovals and side LEDs in red controls: Series II hardware: goldplated birthday: June 7, 1995 originally made for: Washington Music Peace;) Frank |
Member Username: krystoof
Post Number: 62 Registered: 1-2009
| Posted on Sunday, November 29, 2009 - 12:45 pm: |  |
Hi, Frank, you are a luuuuucky guy, it seems!!! Man, such a gorgeous bass! I'm the more than happy owner of a 5 string MK Signature, and recently (for my wedding party), I played on a 6 string F bass. Many years ago, I used to own a beautiful 6 string fretless Leduc bass. I had such a great pleasure to play this instrument, and with the arriving of my Alembic and playing this 6 string bass gave me the idea of, someday, owning a 6 string Alembic. If it can be a S2, it would be like paradise, I guess... :-) |
Advanced Member Username: toma_hawk01
Post Number: 359 Registered: 9-2009
| Posted on Sunday, November 29, 2009 - 1:17 pm: |  |
Frank, I got my Mesa Boogie bro! |
Intermediate Member Username: otis
Post Number: 125 Registered: 10-2008
| Posted on Tuesday, December 01, 2009 - 4:02 pm: |  |
Christophe, thanks for the kind words, I appreciate it. It's been a long time in coming, believe me. I've been busy doing some home recording with this beauty, perhaps someday I'll include a link to some Mp3s... A MK 5 String Signature is certainly no slouch, for sure! But I've played many Alembics, and I can say with absolute certainty that the Series II Basses are beyond your wildest imaginings. Anyone who disagrees either simply doesn't have one, or doesn't know what clarity and presence of tone is, period. F Basses are cool- I recently played a 5 string @ Rudy's, in NYC that was pretty cool. I've seen Leducs, but never held one in my paws. Do whatever you have to do to get a Series II Alembic, even if it means (gasp!) selling all your current Alembics and other basses (which is what I did, and I don' regret it, for a minute). Hal, Congrats, Bro! I had my eye on that for about a minute before I woke up from my day dream and realized that I'd just dropped all my cash into the Series II Six and didn't have a penny left to work with. The Mesa Boogie was meant to go to you, just like the S2 6 was meant to end up with me. I know you've mentioned a bit about the clarity and tone of the amp (or better put, perhaps, the clarity and tone of your bass, through the amp, but you know what I mean, lol) and I've heard great things about MB over the years- if this is any indication, Les Claypoole from Primus, etc, uses MB, and he's one of the best bass players around, hands-down. I guess most of what I've heard around the Club is that the best amps allow the true tone/color of the Alembic to flow through, while lesser amps tend to color the tone with the amp's sound, more so than that of the instrument- if that makes sense. Let me know your thoughts please- now that I have my dream bass, I'm thinking of "down-sizing" my rigs and grabbing something more manageable, along the lines of MB or Bag End (I hear from Barry aka bkbass that a friend of his that works for them is going to be sending him some to bring to an upcoming Gathering...) I was able to play through some Phil Jones gear at the NJ Gathering, and it was microsized and light with a great sound, but it's also very expensive... A friend of mine from Los Angeles that plays NS Stick uses Aguilar or Epifani (sp?) I forget which, but he's got a great sound, and his rig is super small (a 2x10 and 6 space rack, I believe). It handles his low B really well. A friend of mine invited me to jam with a Drum Circle that has 2 African Drum Masters, and I hate to lug my 1200 Watt Kustom Groove Bass Head and 4x10 to the coffee shop where they're playing, but I do not currently own any small amps, so out of necessity, I will probably have to use one of my Kustom rigs... I'm still in the thinking process because I just spent a lot on the S2, but I'd be selling my Kustom gear to pick up whatever I get. I have to be particularly careful because I play out alot, and I can't afford to get something that isn't going to be BALLS LOUD, you know? Hope everyone had great Thanksgiving! Peace;) Frank |
Moderator Username: davehouck
Post Number: 9075 Registered: 5-2002
| Posted on Wednesday, December 23, 2009 - 3:42 pm: |  |
Beautiful bass!!! Congrats!! |
Intermediate Member Username: otis
Post Number: 130 Registered: 10-2008
| Posted on Wednesday, December 23, 2009 - 3:53 pm: |  |
Thanks, Dave! It certainly is a dream come true! |
Advanced Member Username: bassfingers
Post Number: 241 Registered: 11-2005
| Posted on Wednesday, December 23, 2009 - 4:28 pm: |  |
Colour me green!!!.It's one of the finest Alembics I've seen.Love the sapwood ahead of the neck p/u. |
Intermediate Member Username: otis
Post Number: 131 Registered: 10-2008
| Posted on Thursday, December 24, 2009 - 6:24 pm: |  |
Simon, Thanks for the kind words. The tone and playability are unmatched, as I would've expected of a Series II. As to the sapwood- me, too!!! Soon I will have a link up to some tunes I've recorded, as soon as I figure out how... Peace;) Frank |
Advanced Member Username: otis
Post Number: 232 Registered: 10-2008
| Posted on Tuesday, September 28, 2010 - 3:50 pm: |  |
Here's a recent show clip: Peace;) Frank |