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Advanced Member Username: gregduboc
Post Number: 342 Registered: 11-2008
| Posted on Wednesday, February 24, 2010 - 12:34 pm: |  |
I need your help. I'm looking for a portable combo amp. Something light and powerful, that can fill a small/medium club with my bass lines... I've been looking around and found the new SWR Spellbinder Blue. The descriptions says it is powerful enough for small to medium stages, but I am having a hard time believing a 10" speaker powered by 160W can really stand up against a heavy-handed drummer... I also looked at the Trace Elliot 715, that looks much more powerfull with it's 15" speaker and 200W of power and not much bigger in size. Have any of you guys tried it out? Any other nice suggestions? Thanks, Greg |
Intermediate Member Username: chrisalembic
Post Number: 111 Registered: 3-2009
| Posted on Wednesday, February 24, 2010 - 12:44 pm: |  |
I have no experience with the amps you just mentioned, but when you say light weight, powerful and portable, the first ones that come up to my mind are Markbass and Philjones. Have you looked at their Product lines? They have a few lightweight, yet powerful combos. From Experience I can tell you that the Markbass stuff is really powerful for its size. |
Senior Member Username: sonicus
Post Number: 759 Registered: 5-2009
| Posted on Wednesday, February 24, 2010 - 1:12 pm: |  |
I have been using the GALLIEN-KRUEGER Micro Bass series for over 2 decades for small live gig and studio engagements . I own an old 200MB combo and a 150E combo and a 150E amp top. I have never had any problems except having to replace a speaker surround that was over 2 decades old . GK now has a few newer models available in that line. |
Senior Member Username: edwin
Post Number: 506 Registered: 5-2002
| Posted on Wednesday, February 24, 2010 - 1:22 pm: |  |
Euphonic Audio iAmp 800C. Not cheap, but great sounding. I've toured with mine and filled most stages (including some outdoor ones) perfectly. |
Senior Member Username: keith_h
Post Number: 1521 Registered: 2-2005
| Posted on Wednesday, February 24, 2010 - 2:10 pm: |  |
If you can handle the yellow speakers I agree a Markbass combo in a 2X10. If you needed more speakers you could always add an extension cabinet. The 3X10 might also work for you but you cannot add cabinets. In the old days I would have recommended an Eden Metro but I don't think they are of the same quality they were before US Music purchased them. I would stay away from the Carvin combo's. I have an RC210 I use as a rehearsal rig. It has noise issues related to a very poor compressor design (always on and causes farting). I have also found it does not handle vibrations from transport very well. I have had to glue down connectors, capacitors and the main heat sink. For rehearsals it is adequate since I leave it at the studio and to be honest if it were to get stolen or damaged it would not be a big deal. What do you currently use for your main rig? I have gone modular with mine. For large gigs I use two 1X18 and two 2X10, medium size gigs I take one 1X18 and one 2X10 and small gigs I just take one 2X10. I use the same amp rack for all of the combination's. Keith |
Advanced Member Username: hankster
Post Number: 235 Registered: 6-2004
| Posted on Wednesday, February 24, 2010 - 3:19 pm: |  |
I have used the GK micro bass for years as well, for acoustic, electric, jazz, swing, R & B. It is delightful. when I need something bigger, I either use it as a preamp for my larger Yorkville Sound amp, or (my preference) just take a line out to the front of house. Sound reinforcement pros i work with love it. |
Advanced Member Username: gregduboc
Post Number: 343 Registered: 11-2008
| Posted on Wednesday, February 24, 2010 - 5:25 pm: |  |
My main rig right now is an Ampeg SVT 2 Pro, with 4x10 and a 1x15 cabinets from Ampeg as well. I also own a BA115 which is the one I take around on small/medium stages, but it is to big for me to take it around by myself. And as sometimes the stage is really small, it uses a lot of the space I have reserved for me... That is why I was looking for something small... I was also looking at the Phil Jones Super Flightcase. I forgot to mention that. It looks compact and powerfull. Any views on that one, or any other Phil Jones amps? I will look at Markbass amps as well. Thanks for the tip! Greg |
Senior Member Username: crobbins
Post Number: 547 Registered: 6-2004
| Posted on Wednesday, February 24, 2010 - 5:50 pm: |  |
I use a Mark Bass combo. |
Senior Member Username: bigredbass
Post Number: 1362 Registered: 9-2002
| Posted on Wednesday, February 24, 2010 - 9:39 pm: |  |
Save yourself the trouble: I bought a Metro, and it is undoubtedly the biggest mistake I ever made. Great tone and facilities, but as trouble prone as can be, and WILL drop dead on you in the middle of a gig at a a moment's notice. I've decided I DON'T like combos; get a digital amp and preamp, or a rack head, a rack bag, and your speaker of choice. There's nothing worse than showing up on a gig with a combo you think is big enough, and you then get inevitably mowed down by everything else. 'Well, it's as big as I want to carry, they can just run me through the PA'. Most of us aren't fortunate enough to have that kind of PA at the gig, so you best be prepared to hold your own if need be. |
Senior Member Username: lbpesq
Post Number: 4326 Registered: 7-2004
| Posted on Thursday, February 25, 2010 - 12:58 am: |  |
Greg: I have the Phil Jones AAD CUB AG-100 Acoustic Guitar Amplifier. I absolutely love it. 90% of an AER at one third the cost. Nothing fancy. Four knobs: level and bass/mid/treb, plus a -10db cut switch. Line, tuner and DI outs. No cheesy digital effects. Sounds great. About a square foot, 6.5" deep, and weighs 11.5 pounds. 100 clean watts! This little thing is amazing. Bill, tgo |
Senior Member Username: glocke
Post Number: 680 Registered: 9-2002
| Posted on Thursday, February 25, 2010 - 3:03 am: |  |
I can attest to the Eden issue. While I don't have an eden combo, I have other gear from them bought within the past year that has had many problems. Have you thought about a small cab with a small head? My rehearsal rig and small club rig is a BagEnd S15 cabm with a mesa walkabout. Its portable, and sounds great. The cabinet rocks, as does the head. |
Senior Member Username: jazzyvee
Post Number: 1866 Registered: 6-2002
| Posted on Thursday, February 25, 2010 - 3:32 am: |  |
I couldn't find a combo which suited my needs and decided on a Mesa Boogie Walkabout head and a Mesa Boogie 2x10 powerhouse cab that I use for small gigs. Small, clean and very powerful. Later on I bought two additional cabs to choose from should the need arise for more sound. Jazzyvee |
Advanced Member Username: lmiwa
Post Number: 292 Registered: 2-2008
| Posted on Thursday, February 25, 2010 - 9:42 am: |  |
Greg, I use the Phil Jones 8T and 16B cabinets. They sound amazing, but are NOT portable - they weigh a ton! I have played the through the Six-Pack and it also sounded great and put out a LOT of clean power. If I was doing clubs, that is probably what I would get. The Super Flightcase is almost exactly the same size as the Six-Pack but a LOT lighter and with a lot less power. I haven't played one, so I can't say if it would do the job in a club or not. Probably depends on how loud your drummer is! Loch |
New Username: murray
Post Number: 5 Registered: 7-2007
| Posted on Thursday, February 25, 2010 - 11:00 am: |  |
Without a doubt - Markbass. I have a Mini CMD 151P which I use for jazz, boogie, pop, you name it gigs. I have an (Markbass Traveller 151P (old model)) but never need it. I use an Alembic Orion 4. Also you can sit on the combo! I chose the 15" over the 12" to give that extra bit of depth. Glynn |
Advanced Member Username: gregduboc
Post Number: 344 Registered: 11-2008
| Posted on Thursday, February 25, 2010 - 2:20 pm: |  |
Loch, I've glanced over the Six-Pack, but it looks rather big... I wish I cold try them out here in Brazil, but it is an impossible job to find one available. Phil Jones Amps appear to have an amazing sound... I'm looking at the Markbass ones as well... I wish they weren't so ugly (IMO). I found this combo that looks promising. Ashdown MK-500 Combo, that comes with Mark King's Signature Head. It is bigger than what I've been thinking, but as I'm considering the Six-Pack, why not put this one on the table for discussion... Has any one tried it before (Head or Combo)? I know it appears that I'm lost in my own decisions, but for the observations you are all making, a small and light combo will never do the job properly. I don't want to go head+cabinet because I'm looking for a single piece of equipment to take around. I just don't like to mess around with cables... I like to plug it in power and play. Greg |
Intermediate Member Username: afrobeat_fool
Post Number: 162 Registered: 7-2009
| Posted on Thursday, February 25, 2010 - 4:12 pm: |  |
I use an Acoustic image 400 watt combo that is 12x12x12. it has some nice built in features and an extension jack. It has a built in 10in speaker, 4in, speaker and a horn. On bigger gigs I have used my Aguilar GS112 as an extension. It holds it's own. I used to have a Hughes and Kettner combo that was plenty LOUD, But Heavy. Nick |
Senior Member Username: dadabass2001
Post Number: 1365 Registered: 6-2002
| Posted on Friday, February 26, 2010 - 9:46 am: |  |
I use an Acme Low B-2 (4 ohm version) with a Crate B-100 head or an Ampeg B2-R for rehearsals and small gigs, then add a second Low B-2 and power them with my F-1X and QSC PLX-1602 for bigger gigs. Mike (Message edited by dadabass2001 on February 26, 2010) |
Junior Username: rjmsteel
Post Number: 37 Registered: 7-2008
| Posted on Friday, February 26, 2010 - 1:03 pm: |  |
I`m using an Eden 550 Traveler, (which fits perfectly into a wheeled catalog case I purchased at Office Max), going into a single Bag End 115 Red Carpet enclosure (which IMHO compliments my Alembics very well). This setup is very portable. When playing more demanding situations I add my Eden D210X cabinet. |
Senior Member Username: gare
Post Number: 461 Registered: 11-2003
| Posted on Saturday, February 27, 2010 - 12:19 pm: |  |
Another vote for Markbass. I've been using a Little Mark II head for 4 years or so..with Schroeder cabinet. Both are maybe 55lbs. Small,light head wth good power. Just add a small cabinet of you choice. |
Advanced Member Username: bkbass
Post Number: 213 Registered: 11-2003
| Posted on Wednesday, March 03, 2010 - 12:57 pm: |  |
Greg if it's not too late. Just hold on a bit. My friend Mike from Phil Jones has come back from the NAMM show with the new Phil Jones ROADCASE combo. In a word.... DONE! 750 watts 12 speakers approx. 3 foot tall 1 foot square and weighs 74 pounds. It'll easily fit across the back seat of a 4 door honda/corolla/etc. The search is over regardless of price the search is over this is it! Absolute gobs of power,punch,clarity, etc.,etc.,etc. I spanked that puppy every which way I could think of. I crammed a detuned B string down it's throat and it took everything I could put into it. I have two on order. Nuff said. |
Advanced Member Username: gregduboc
Post Number: 353 Registered: 11-2008
| Posted on Wednesday, March 03, 2010 - 1:06 pm: |  |
Barry, awesome news! You're right on time. I guess my search is over. You would have a picture or something, would you? Greg |
Advanced Member Username: gregduboc
Post Number: 354 Registered: 11-2008
| Posted on Wednesday, March 03, 2010 - 1:09 pm: |  |
Never mind, I found it: Roadcase BG-800 I saw it before, but somehow I thought it was much bigger. I never glanced at the dimensions... Thanks Greg (Message edited by gregduboc on March 03, 2010) |
Senior Member Username: pace
Post Number: 505 Registered: 4-2004
| Posted on Wednesday, March 03, 2010 - 5:25 pm: |  |
>>>"I crammed a detuned B string down it's throat and it took everything I could put into it."<<< You are one sick puppy Barry, did you have to use such graphic detail?!?!?...  |
Advanced Member Username: bkbass
Post Number: 214 Registered: 11-2003
| Posted on Thursday, March 04, 2010 - 8:54 am: |  |
Pace, as a song writer the use of language as a tool....LOL! Greg, yeah it's really the perfect size and weight.Those are 12 neo speakers in there. Weight is such a strange thing in amps/cabs etc. If it's the right shape it's easy to lift and this amp is the right shape. I can get my arms around it in a hug lift and it's got side handles and a bottom handle as well as the top handle so it's pretty easy to lift no matter how one does it. Let me know if you need help obtaining one.I'm sure Mike Albronda can handle the sale or speak to Phil about the nearest distributor and I think there is an online store if all else fails. Their available in black and candy red coverings. They sound as mean as they look. I can't wait to get mine. It's easily as loud as a 4x10 without the schelpping. Let me know how you make out and what you think. Pace looking forward to seeing you again this year. |
Senior Member Username: jazzyvee
Post Number: 1876 Registered: 6-2002
| Posted on Thursday, March 04, 2010 - 10:12 am: |  |
I will think about one of those if I ever decide to downsize. It's the ideal size for transporting in my little smart car and still have a meaty sound at a gig. I know my briefcase sounds great even with a low B, as long as you don't " Cram a Detuned B string down it's throat" :-) No send and return though for using an SF-2 Jazzyvee |
Intermediate Member Username: otis
Post Number: 159 Registered: 10-2008
| Posted on Thursday, March 04, 2010 - 10:34 am: |  |
Barry, LMAO!!! That's one of the best/funniest descriptions I've ever heard of bass playing in my life. You're damn right you crammed a Detuned B string down it's throat and it took everything you could put into it. That's awesome! Let me know how those Roadcases sound together with one of your 6's, would you? I'd love to downsize and get some lighter equipment, but I just sank all of my $ into the Series II 6 (no regrets- it's the best bass I've ever owned, besides Thunderstick) and thus have little capital to put towards a new rig setup. Hopefully in the next year or two... sigh. I really want to get a fretless 6 (Alembic of course!) someday soon, but again, more desire than cash. Peace;) Frank |
Senior Member Username: lbpesq
Post Number: 4329 Registered: 7-2004
| Posted on Thursday, March 04, 2010 - 12:01 pm: |  |
Jazzyvee: The bass player in my band uses an SF-2 in front of his Traynor head (which also has no effects loop). It seems to work fine for him. Bill, tgo |
Advanced Member Username: bkbass
Post Number: 215 Registered: 11-2003
| Posted on Friday, March 05, 2010 - 8:26 am: |  |
Jazzy, first of all thanks for the reply. Secondly, the roadcase has an effects send and return. In fact Mike's rig has a lower internal volume setting than a normal roadcase to appease the volume police at the NAMM show. So when I was spanking it we had used the preamp section from the 150 watt PJB head to drive the power section of his purpose built Roadcase to get the gain structure similar to production models. I also use his Fodera 6 with a hipshot detuner on the B string. Hence the ease of cramming ahem! Two other points:pt#1 my bad, no side handles. pt#2 there is going to be a bass gathering April 3rd most likely in Patterson New Jersey right off of route 80. It will be hosted by Phil Jones. He will be there in the flesh to answer all your questions. I don't know exactly where but Mike has his eye on a rehearsal studio with full stage and little or no amps giving more room for Phil Jones Bass Gear. All are welcome. The reason we need more room is because Phil is bringing the big stuff as well. I know some Fodera cats are going to be there. Perhaps even Mr.Fodera and Joey. I think this would be a golden opportunity to show those gentlemen exactly how a bass should sound,feel and look. So bring those Alembics one and all!!!I will share more info as it comes in. I'm sure there will be special deals at the show and some free chachkeys(spell check). So save up your beer money,be extra kind to the misses etc. |
Advanced Member Username: bkbass
Post Number: 217 Registered: 11-2003
| Posted on Wednesday, March 10, 2010 - 12:33 pm: |  |
Just in... the bass gathering featuring Phil Jones and Phil Jones great sounding bass gear has been moved forward to MAY 1ST at the Backstage rehearsal studios located in Patterson New Jersey. Approx. 30 minutes or less from the Lincoln Tunnel. Accessible from both routes 80 west and 46 west. If your taking RT 46 it'll be right after Montclair and a huge strip mall look to the right for big smoke stacks that's where it is. Nice place clean etc. 12noon to 6pm. I understand that more lost souls will be invited who own Spectors as well. c'mon guys let's show'em how it's done. Bring those Alembics!!! |