Rewind - 1972. Ernie was going to a bunch of Grateful Dead concerts and couldn't get the sound out of his head. Fast forward - 2004. Ernie heard a
friend's Alembic at a live show running without effects. It was then he realized he could get his ultimate tone machine.
It had been a long time since he learned to play bass by watching the performers on the Grand Ole Opry and playing along on an upside-down Sears and Roebuck 4-string
"guitar," and he was ready for his first Alembic, a fine Series I
4-string bass in Walnut. The tone was fantastic, that sound he had in his head since 1972.
After some time with his 4-string, Susan received an email from
Ernie with the subject line, "May I get another?" That's when the 5-string project began, and the result is the bass you see to the right.
Ernie was absolutely floored by the bass. His bandmates are also
enjoying the new sound. One significant side effect: increased playing time. Ernie found himself
playing along with a CD, wondering, "could I do that?" and he'd start twiddling with the bass tone controls and his SF-2, playing
that one riff over and over, exploring. Time does fly when you're having fun!