Tightly grained in shades of darkest brown, black, and tinges
of violet, African Blackwood looks similar to Ebony, but there is a visual texture closer to that of Vermilion. From any distance,
the look is that of a swath of pure black, but closer inspection uncovers the subtleties.
Perched atop a thick accent laminate of Maple, the African Blackwood
looks very sharp, like a tailored tuxedo. But it's the sound that really sets this bass apart. Perhaps it's the face woods alone,
or in concert with the Maple and Ebony neck, but this bass is so crystalline clear, so brutally honest about the technique
applied to it, that we asked every bass player nearby to us to visit our showroom and sample it. Univserally the reaction was
quizzical expressions, followed by raised eyebrows. This was replaced with
broad smiles, closed eyes, and you could just sense that Passion was transporting these players to places they had never visited before.
It was quite exciting to witness!